Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Link to National Audit Office report into housing PFI

As noted below, the National Audit Office published a report earlier this year which looked at the use of Private Finance Initiatives to fund housing projects. It noted the massive overspend that a number of these projects have managed to incur. The Brockley PFI is one of the projects considered. Somehow the staggeringly inept Lewisham council has managed to spend over twice as much as the original £43 million budget - on what, it's difficult to say. Looking around Brockley, I see precious little evidence of improvement.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Brockley Leaseholders - Meeting Wednesday, 15th September

The Leaseholders Association will be holding a meeting on Wednesday, 15th September in the Broca cafe, by Brockley railway station. This will start at 6.30 p.m. For those who aren't involved in the LVT, you are welcome to come and we will deal with general matters first, then move on to matters concerning the LVT.

Could all who attend please remember to buy a coffee or tea or even a cake. Then we won't have to pay extra for using the room.

Monday, 30 August 2010

Brockley Leaseholders Association - who we are

We are a group made up of leaseholders of properties in Brockley and Ladywell for which the freeholder is Lewisham council. Some of us have flats in estates or separate buildings, some have street properties. All have a common interest in demanding that Lewisham council treats us reasonably and justly. The Brockley Leaseholders Association exists to assert our rights as leaseholders, and to ensure that our voice is heard by the council.

The Association was formed in 2007 in response to widespread anger and concern over the private finance initiative (Brockley PFI) which the council had set up to take over the maintenance and management of our properties.

For a long time the council had neglected its role of freeholder, and has attempted to make good this neglect by handing over the task to a group of private companies. These private companies, with the comfort and security of long-term contracts, are not under the pressure to do a good job or keep their costs down, that they would ordinarily be as sub-contractors.

It is therefore necessary to remind Lewisham council and Mayor Bullock of their responsibilities to us, and to insist that work is reasonably priced and done to proper standards.

All leaseholders within the Brockley PFI area are welcome to join us. We hold a number of meetings through the year which are open to all members and new-comers. We can be contacted on the following email address: